Permission Granted

It’s Thursday night.

My husband has gone to the cricket.

My daughter has been fed and watered, and is now fast asleep in her bed.

Darcy, our silky terrier is on guard duty. He gets all officious when Tony’s not here. He likes to be the big man around the house. All five kilos of him. It’s hilarious.

I should be unpacking the dishwasher and stacking the already full sink of dirty dishes back into it. I should be tidying up the scattered mess that is lying around the floor (thanks to the aforementioned sleeping daughter). I should be folding the pile of laundry that seems to live permanently on my dining room table at the moment.

And after that, I should be writing the blog post that I didn’t write last night.

Instead though, I have decided to be a little bit rebellious – and a lot lazy – tonight. I have decided that what I should be doing can wait. And instead, I’m going to savour and enjoy these few rare hours of solitude. I’m going to put my feet up, and I’m going to relax.

I might watch a movie, or I might read my new book. I’m not sure yet. I’ll decide once I’ve finished processing the fact that I’ve given myself permission to take the night off.

So, my lovely readers, my sincere apologies for today’s lame excuse for a blog post, but I’m afraid the call of the couch tonight was just too loud and persistent for this tired Mama to resist.

Please excuse me, while I take up my languid position. Right after I deal with the dishwasher.

Sadly, it seems I can’t be that lazy all in one go.

Do you ever give yourself permission to take the night off?

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